Most Human Post Human

What started out as a theatre project built within the Pai community turned into something truly spectacular, heart opening and unpredictable.

My role in the production was content creation for the projectors. I would create animations & videos that interacted with the performance and help drive the narrative of the show.

The show covered themes around new technology, Ai and the trajectory humans are currently on towards this post human era, with a splash of improv and comedy.

Inital performances - Pai, January 2024

Adelaide, Australia

Performing around the Fringe festival in Adelaide for the debut of the show.

We had around 2 and half weeks of rehearsal with 6 shows planned out.

The Shite Heist

(We got fucking robbed!)

Adelaide, radelaide, sleep with ya dadelaide…

The thieves stole so much essential equipment for the show and it was on the premiere night! We had to postpone the show by two days to find new instruments, electric unicycles, laptops and create new content as it wasnt backed up on the stolen laptops. Quite an ordeal.. But we were determined not to let a couple of crackheads ruin this performance.

Along with all the equipment I also lost my beautiful Fujifilm camera so my pictures for the Australia adventure were cut short. But very graciously I was reimbursed the money to buy a new one when I landed in Taiwan, after Australia. Thank you, I am very indebted and grateful to you for that.

The show must go on.

The show was a huge success and the publicity from the robbery helped bring attention to the show. Every cloud huh.. I currently don’t know what’s next for the show but I’m excited to see where it goes and to throw my everything in it all over again. I have met some of the most incredible humans through this production and it has inspired me on such a deep level to be, do and achieve my best. Very grateful to call these lot my friends.


Frozen Food Center - Official Video